Tuesday, September 21, 2010

cartoonist plan

i plan on working for cartoonetwork or maybe making my own company like... well i don't know yet but i'll have to think about what i'm going to call it

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Clemson University

i did not attend the Clemson trip 2,3

Yes I decieded to go to USC and get a degree in art. Yes, it gave me an a idea of what i wanted to do in college. I also want to work on my own comic when I get to college. I always wanted to go to college since I ever wanted to start my own anime/manga show. The three things I learned is that I can go to college and get a degree in anything.

Monday, July 12, 2010


my party will be held at Miyabi
the people that will be invited are Quinton, Candace, Justin, Karen, and any others of my friends
my invitation will say that you guys are invited to my grad party since everyone else graduated you guys can come to my party see ya.


1. Do you have any family members who have successfully completed high school or college or both? Explain who has done which accomplishments.2. You're expected to complete high school. How do you feel you can meet this requirement? Is it something in you already?3. What are the habits or choices you are committed to making to successfully complete school?4. What careers are you interested in learning more about and what interests you about them? (If you have absolutely no idea, then explain what careers you absolutely are NOT interested in and explain why they do not excite you.)5. Do you know anyone who works in these fields who might be able to "show you the ropes" and give you some idea what that work is like? (Again, if you have no careers in mind, do you know people in different careers that might be acceptable who can "show you the ropes" and give you some idea what that work is like?)

my mom has graduated from high school my dad graduated from high school
I feel kind of nervous and it something that is not in me already
paying attention is one of them listen/respect other become a good artist
I want to become a Cartoonist and the job that I’m not in to is engineering
no I don’t know any one who is a Cartoonist and I think I might be the only one in my family that is interested in drawings

Saturday, April 18, 2009

spring break

the things i did on spring break is that i had a spring break we had a bounce ride and also i had a good time i got to borrow the ps2 for 2 weeks and the thinfs i like to do on spring break is go to sleep all day and when people come to the time i love to read a japaneese comic book called naruto

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The filled with heros

The Filled With Heros

the world is filled with heros and some are from cartoons
some could be in your family
or it may be your favorite charater
my favorite charater is sonic and he
is the fasted hedgehog in the world
and that why they say the world is full of heros

Friday, February 15, 2008

a warrior that a wolf can be
the way that a warrior wolf can do is figth have great speed so they can't get caught by anything so then if they get in traps they would be able to get out so then soon as the wolf taugth all the anmals about being a warrior he would go see if the crystal is still glowing and then by the time he got home the crystal was gone he called Toa he came and said that he had foregot the crystal so after he took it he wanted to know when he was going to die so he took the crystal to the future tree and gave the tree the item and he showed him how he was going to die. so he took the crystal out of the tree and scattered all the pieces in the forest so he can do stuff so he went in his cave and layed down so after that all the crystal pieces would have to be found an when the wolf was getting chased he stopped and picked up a piece of the crystal so he got rid of his enamy so he started to look for the rest of the crystal now that he was going to help out Toa before he
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i like to play a game called sonic the hedgehog